Quality Aged Care Action Group Incorporated


Members agree to support the aims of QACAG. Current members include:

  • people receiving aged care services
  • their partners, family and friends
  • nurses and retired nurses
  • people who work, volunteer or study in aged care or health; and
  • other people committed to aged care.

QACAG is supported by the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) and nurses in the workforce joining QACAG should also be members of NSWNMA.

QACAG maintains communication with providers of aged care services but it is not a forum for proprietors or owners.

join qacag

QACAG Annual Fees

Annual Fees are $20 for individuals and $50 for organisational members. We try to keep costs to a minimum, but your fees are essential to allow us to pay the annual insurance fees to enable us to use our voice to advocate for better aged care.

Fees are best paid by bank transfer, although we do still accept cheques by post.
National Australia Bank. QACAG Inc.
BSB: 082-356
Account Number: 32-838-3965


Ordinary meetings are held every two months either online or in hybrid form (online and in-person at offices in Waterloo, Sydney NSW 2017). All members are invited to attend, and teleconference is also available. Members who cannot attend meetings are also valued by the group.

Minutes and other notices are sent by mail or email.

An Annual General Meeting is held after June each year, and includes the election of the Executive.

Blue Mountains and Central Coast

There are divisions of QACAG in the Blue Mountains and the Central Coast. Each division plans activities in their local community and new members are welcome. For details contact us via email.

New Divisions

The Executive of QACAG Inc. can provide support if there are several members in a region who wish to start a local division.



50 O’Dea Avenue, Waterloo NSW 2017
8595 1234 | 1300 367 962